When is a Product Backlog Finished?

A product backlog is an essential tool in agile software development, serving as a prioritized list of work that needs to be completed in order to deliver value to the user and the business. But when is a product backlog truly finished?

To understand when a product backlog might be considered “finished,” it is important to first understand the purpose and role of the product backlog. In agile development, the product backlog is a living document that is maintained and reviewed by the product owner and the development team. It contains a list of items, such as features, user stories, and technical tasks, that need to be completed in order to deliver value to the user and the business. The product owner is responsible for prioritizing items in the product backlog based on their value and the development team is responsible for completing the items in the backlog.

The product backlog is never truly “finished,” as it is a constantly evolving document that should be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect the current needs and goals of the product. The product owner and the development team should work together to review and update the product backlog at least once a week, or more frequently if needed, to ensure that it is well-organized and easy to understand. This helps the development team stay focused and aligned with the overall direction of the product, and ensures that they are working on the most important items.

Creating an effective product backlog.

A product backlog is a prioritized list of items that a development team needs to work on as part of building a product. It is an essential tool for agile development teams, as it helps them prioritize their work and align their efforts with the overall goals of the product.

An effective backlog can be created through the following 5 steps: 

Step 1: Define the overall goals and vision for the product: The first step in creating an effective product backlog is to have a clear understanding of the overall goals and vision for the product. This will help you prioritize items in the backlog and ensure that the development team is working towards the same goals.

Step 2: Gather input from all stakeholders: In order to create a comprehensive and effective product backlog, it is important to gather input from all stakeholders, including the development team, the product owner, and any other relevant parties. This will help ensure that the backlog reflects the needs and goals of everyone involved in the project.

Step 3: Break down larger features into smaller user stories: Once you have gathered input from all stakeholders, you can start breaking down larger features into smaller, more manageable user stories. User stories are short, specific descriptions of the value that a feature will provide to the user (learn about alternatives to the user story here). They typically follow the format “As a [user], I want to [do something], so that I can [benefit].” Breaking down larger features into user stories helps make the product backlog more manageable and helps the development team understand the specific value that each feature will provide.

Step 4: Prioritize the items in the product backlog: Once you have identified all the items that need to be included in the product backlog, it is important to prioritize them based on their value to the user and to the business. The most important items should be at the top of the backlog, while the least important should be at the bottom. This will help the development team focus on the most important items first and ensure that they are delivering value to the user and the business as quickly as possible.

Step 5: Review and update the product backlog regularly: The product backlog is a living document that should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis, at least once a week or more frequently if needed. This helps ensure that the backlog reflects the current needs and goals of the product, and that the development team is working on the most important items. It also helps the development team stay flexible and responsive to changing priorities, as the product owner can easily adjust the backlog as needed.

What is the role of the product owner in maintaining a finished product backlog? 

The product owner plays a crucial role in maintaining a finished product backlog. Some of the key responsibilities of the product owner include:

  1. Prioritizing items in the product backlog: The product owner is responsible for prioritizing items in the product backlog based on their value to the user and to the business. The most important items should be at the top of the backlog, while the least important should be at the bottom. This helps the development team focus on the most important items first and ensure that they are delivering value to the user and the business as quickly as possible.
  1. Ensuring that the product backlog reflects the needs and goals of the product: The product owner is responsible for ensuring that the product backlog reflects the current needs and goals of the product. This means that they should review and update the backlog regularly to ensure that it is well-organized and easy to understand, and that it contains realistic and feasible items.
  1. Collaborating with the development team: The product owner should work closely with the development team to review and update the product backlog regularly. This helps ensure that the development team has a clear understanding of the items in the backlog and can provide feedback on the feasibility and complexity of each item.
  1. Managing changes to the product backlog: The product owner should be responsible for managing any changes to the product backlog, including adding new items, removing items, or reordering items based on changing priorities.

By fulfilling these responsibilities, the product owner can help ensure that the product backlog is well-maintained and serves as a useful tool for guiding the development team’s work.

What is the role of the development team in maintaining a finished product backlog? 

The development team plays a key role in maintaining a finished product backlog, as they are responsible for completing the items in the backlog and providing feedback on the feasibility and complexity of each item. Some key responsibilities of the development team include:

  1. Providing feedback on the feasibility and complexity of items in the product backlog: The development team should review the items in the product backlog and provide feedback on their feasibility and complexity. This helps the product owner understand the resources that will be required to complete each item and adjust the backlog as needed to ensure that it contains realistic and feasible items.
  1. Collaborating with the product owner: The development team should work closely with the product owner to review and update the product backlog regularly. This helps ensure that the development team has a clear understanding of the items in the backlog and can provide feedback on the feasibility and complexity of each item.
  2. Completing items in the product backlog: The development team is responsible for completing the items in the product backlog in a timely and efficient manner. This includes breaking down larger items into smaller tasks, estimating the time required to complete each task, and tracking their progress.
  1. Providing updates on the status of items in the product backlog: The development team should provide regular updates on the status of items in the product backlog, including any challenges or issues that they encounter. This helps the product owner understand the progress of the team and adjust the backlog as needed to ensure that it reflects the current needs and goals of the product.

The importance of regular reviews and updates

As mentioned previously, the product backlog should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis to ensure that it reflects the current needs and goals of the product. This can help the development team stay focused and aligned with the overall direction of the product.

However, with the fluid nature of agile product development, it is necessary to regularly review and update the product backlog to continuously check that it reflects the current needs and goals of the product. This means that the backlog is adjusted to reflect the changing of priorities and to identify low hanging opportunities that may bring impact with little effort. 

Continuous review of the product backlog also improves communication and collaboration between the product owner and the development team. By reviewing the backlog together, the product owner can communicate the business strategy, and ensure that they are on the same page and working towards the same goals. 

Overall, regular review and updates to the product backlog are essential for ensuring that the development team is always working on the most important items. 

The impact of unrealistic or infeasible items on the product backlog

If the product backlog contains unrealistic or infeasible items, it can lead to decreased morale, delays and misses of the deadline and poor quality of the work to the development team. Ultimately, it can have severe negative impacts on the development team and to the overall success of the product. Let’s dig a bit deeper into each aspect. 

Decreased morale: If the development team is consistently working on unrealistic or infeasible items, it can lead to decreased morale and frustration among team members. This can affect the team’s productivity and overall engagement with the project.

Delays and missed deadlines: If the product backlog contains items that are unrealistic or infeasible to complete, it can lead to delays and missed deadlines for the development team. This can impact the overall schedule for the project and potentially lead to missed opportunities or lost revenue for the business.

Poor quality: If the development team is rushed or overburdened by unrealistic or infeasible items, it can lead to poor quality work and potentially create more problems down the line.

Overall, it is important to ensure that the product backlog contains realistic and feasible items in order to avoid these negative impacts on the development team and the overall success of the product.

Strategies for prioritizing items in the product backlog

There are many strategies and frameworks to help you prioritize items in the product backlog.

Strategy FrameworkDescription
Value-based prioritizationPrioritizing items based on their value to the user and to the business. This means prioritizing items that will provide the greatest benefit to the user and the business.
Risk-based prioritizationPrioritizing items based on their risk level. This means prioritizing items that have a higher risk of failure or impact on the project.
MoSCoW methodCategorizing items into four categories: Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, and Won’t Have This Time. Must Have items are the most important and should be completed first, while Won’t Have This Time items are the least important and may be deferred to a later time.
Impact and effort matrixPrioritizing items based on their expected impact and the effort required to complete them. Items that have a high impact and low effort should be prioritized higher in the backlog.
Customer feedbackPrioritizing items based on feedback from customers and other stakeholders. This means prioritizing items that are most important to them and have the greatest impact on the user experience.


In conclusion, a product backlog is never truly “finished,” as it is a living document that should be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect the current needs and goals of the product. However, there may be times when the development team has completed all the items in the backlog, or when the product owner has determined that no further work is needed on the product. In these cases, the product backlog may be considered “finished” in the sense that there are no more items to work on. This could happen if the product has reached the end of its lifecycle, or if the product owner has decided to pivot in a different direction.

It is important to note that just because the product backlog is “finished” in the sense that there are no more items to work on, it does not mean that the product is complete or that the development team is no longer needed. In agile development, the product is never truly “complete,” as there is always the potential for new features or improvements to be added in the future.

This is why it is important for the product owner and the development team to regularly review and update the product backlog to ensure that it reflects the current needs and goals of the product and that the development team is working on the most important items. By maintaining an effective and well-organized product backlog, the development team can stay focused and aligned with the overall direction of the product, and deliver value to the user and the business as quickly as possible.

Issac Kwon

I'm a Product Manager with background in design, architecture and in building human experiences. I manage diverse and distributed teams in an Agile product management environment. I get the job done and can get my hands dirty to drive the product and team forward.

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