Key Elements to Building Strong Product Teams (a full guide)

Building a strong and effective product team is crucial for the success of any organization. A well-functioning product team can drive innovation, increase efficiency, and improve customer satisfaction.

The key elements to building strong product teams include: decisiveness, customer-centricity, the right amount of process, safe space enablers, alignment with organization goals, empowerment and autonomy, transparency and visibility across the organization, clear roles and responsibilities, and the ability to challenge assumptions.

In this blog, we’ll explore the traits and strategies that can help your product team thrive. Whether you’re just starting to build your product team or looking to improve the performance of an existing team, this blog will provide valuable insights and actionable tips for success.

Strong Product Teams are Biased for Action and Decisive

Decisiveness is an essential quality for product managers and their teams. The ability to make informed and timely decisions is crucial for ensuring that projects are completed efficiently and effectively, and for building credibility within the organization.

It’s important to note that decisiveness does not mean making forced decisions without considering all the facts. Rather, the first steps are to gather the necessary information and data, and then make a clear decision. 

If a decision needs more time to be made, or needs to be escalated, it’s important to communicate this to stakeholders and provide an estimated time of arrival (ETA) for the decision. This can help to keep stakeholders informed and give them context to work around any changes or delays.

Decisiveness also means taking responsibility for the decisions that are mad and to acknowledge when mistakes are made in order to take corrective action (as well as being willing to pivot and change course when necessary). Not only does the ability to admit a mistake build credibility, it reduces the negative impacts of a bad decision.
There are several other tips that product teams can use to foster decisiveness:

  1. Clearly designate the person who has ultimate decision-making authority: This can help to avoid politics and ensure that the team is able to focus on getting things done.
  2. Establish clear criteria for decision-making: Having clear criteria in place can help to ensure that the team is making decisions based on a consistent and well-defined set of principles. This may involve establishing guidelines for how decisions should be made, or establishing a decision-making process that the team follows consistently.
  3. Encourage open and honest communication: It’s important to foster an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their opinions and ideas. This can help to ensure that all perspectives are considered when making a decision. We will discuss this more in the following sections.
  4. Communicate effectively with stakeholders: Providing regular updates and setting clear expectations for decision-making can help to keep stakeholders informed and ensure that they are able to work around any changes or delays.

By implementing these strategies, product managers can help to foster a culture of decisiveness within their teams, which is essential for the success of any product.

Customer-Centricity is Key to Success in Product Management

Being customer-centric means putting the needs and desires of customers at the center of all decision-making. This is key to success in product management because it helps teams understand what customers really want and need, and allows them to develop products and features that meet those needs. By staying closely connected to customers and continuously seeking out their feedback, product teams can create products that are more likely to be successful in the market.

However, it’s also important to be careful not to take customer feedback at face value. It’s important to filter this information and identify the root problems that customers are trying to solve. This can help to ensure that the team is addressing the most important customer needs and not simply reacting to every request that is made (if your team is in reaction mode, it might be a sign to reevaluate the team priorities).

There are several other strategies that product teams can implement to be more customer-centric:

  1. Prioritize customer needs: it’s important to prioritize the needs of the customer and make sure that these needs are being addressed in the development of new products or features.
  2. Foster a customer-centric culture: encourage team members to think about the customer at every stage of the product development process and to prioritize the customer’s needs.
  3. Use customer data to inform decisions: gather and analyze customer data to better understand their needs and preferences. Use this information to inform product decisions and prioritize development efforts.
  4. Engage with customers regularly: establish ongoing communication with customers through various channels, such as email, social media, or in-person meetings.

By implementing these strategies, product teams can become more customer-centric and ensure that they are meeting the needs of their customers. This is essential for the success of any product.

Finding the Right Balance of Product Process

Effective process is essential for any product team, but it’s important to find the right balance between having too little and too much. 

Having the right balance of product process is essential for a high-performing product team. Too little process can lead to chaos and lack of direction, while too much can slow down progress and stifle creativity. It’s important to continuously assess and adjust the level of process to meet the needs of the team and the product. 

Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

Here are some tips and strategies  for building and improving the processes within your product team:

  1. Identify the core activities that drive the most value for the team and focus on optimizing these.
  2. Involve team members in the process of defining and designing processes to ensure alignment with team needs.
  3. Regularly review and assess existing processes. Are they working as intended? Do they need to be revised or are they ultimately adding unnecessary steps or bottlenecks?
  4. Use data and metrics to track the effectiveness of processes and make informed decisions about optimization.
  5. Establish clear roles and responsibilities within the team to ensure that everyone understands their part in the process.
  6. Encourage continuous learning and improvement by encouraging team members to identify and share best practices.
  7. Establish clear communication channels to ensure that all team members are aware of changes or updates to processes.
  8. Seek out external resources and expertise, such as consultants or industry experts, to help identify and implement best practices for process management.

By implementing these strategies, product teams can strike a balance between having structure to guide their work and the flexibility to continuously improve. Consequently, product teams that can achieve the right balance will find higher efficiency and effectiveness, without stifling creativity or slowing down progress. 

Building a Safe Space to Foster Creativity and Collaboration.

​​Creating a safe space for product teams is essential for fostering creativity, collaboration, and productivity. A safe space is one where team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas, opinions, and concerns without fear of judgment or retribution.

The most important aspect to building safe spaces for teams is to check egos at the door. This means leaving personal biases and agendas aside and focusing on the needs of the team and the project. This can help to create an environment of trust and collaboration, where team members feel free to share their ideas and opinions.

Another important aspect of building a safe space is to provide helpful and constructive feedback. This means giving feedback that is specific, actionable, and focused on the work, rather than the person. It’s important to be open and honest in feedback, while also being respectful and supportive.

It’s important to remember that building a safe space is essential for high impact product teams because product development relies on high quality input from a variety of sources. By creating a safe space, product teams can encourage creativity, collaboration, and productivity, and drive the success of their projects.

In order to maintain this safe space, it’s important to regularly review and assess the team’s communication and behavior guidelines and to identify any areas that need improvement and to make adjustments as needed to maintain a positive and supportive work environment.

Overall, building a safe space is essential for high impact product teams. It helps to foster a culture of trust, transparency, and collaboration, which in turn leads to better quality work, increased productivity, and higher levels of job satisfaction for team members. By taking the time to establish clear guidelines and strategies for building a safe space, product teams can create an environment that promotes creativity, collaboration, and success.

Alignment with Organization Goals for Product Team Success

Alignment with organization goals helps teams understand how their work fits into the bigger picture and contributes to the overall success of the company. It also ensures that the team is working towards a common goal and not against other teams or departments within the organization. 

This means building a culture of company-wide perspective on work. What does that really mean? It means considering the needs and goals of the entire organization, even if it means sacrificing some short-term impact for the team. By taking a broader perspective, teams can better understand how their work fits into the larger goals of the company and can make more informed decisions that align with the organization’s overall direction.

It’s also important to ensure that team members are aligned with each other and with the goals of the team. Inconsistency within the team can undermine credibility and can lead to confusion and misalignment with the rest of the organization. To ensure alignment, it’s important to regularly review and discuss the goals and mission of the team, and to make sure that all team members understand and are committed to these goals.

Overall, alignment with organization goals is critical for high impact product teams and is a display of maturity. By focusing on the big picture and company mission, having a company-wide perspective on work, and ensuring alignment within the team, product teams can better understand how their work fits into the overall goals of the organization and can contribute to the company’s success.

Empowerment and Autonomy: Keys to Product Team Success

Product managers who are not empowered are set up to fail. Ultimately, empowerment and autonomy are two of the most essential elements of high impact product teams. Additionally, when team members feel empowered and autonomous, they are more likely to take ownership of their work, feel a sense of ownership over the outcomes of their efforts, and be more motivated to contribute to the team’s success.

“Empowerment is not a gift. It is a choice. It is the decision to take control of your life and to be responsible for your own success.”

John C. Maxwell

There are several strategies that product teams can use to empower and promote autonomy within their team:

  1. Give team members the freedom to take on new challenges and responsibilities. This can involve delegating tasks and decision-making authority to team members and encouraging them to take initiative and be proactive. 
  2. Encourage team members to collaborate and work together. 
  3. Provide team members with the resources and support they need to succeed. This can include providing training and development opportunities, as well as access to the tools and technologies they need to do their best work. 
  4. Recognize and reward team members for their contributions. This can involve providing regular feedback and acknowledging the efforts of team members, as well as providing opportunities for career advancement and growth. 

Building Trust and Credibility through Transparency and Visibility

Transparency and visibility help build trust and credibility with stakeholders and other teams within the organization. By being open and transparent about the team’s goals, progress, and challenges, product teams can foster collaboration, buy-in, and support from other parts of the organization. This helps to create a positive and supportive environment that enables the team to be more effective and drive greater impact.

There are several strategies that product teams can use to promote transparency and visibility within the organization:

  1. Communicate openly and frequently. This can involve sharing information about team goals, progress, and challenges with stakeholders across the organization. By keeping others informed about what the team is working on, product teams can build trust and credibility.
  2. Be open to feedback and input: this can involve actively seeking feedback from stakeholders and being open to new ideas and perspectives. 
  3. Use metrics to measure progress and success: by using metrics to measure progress and success, product teams can build trust and credibility, and can also identify areas for improvement.

Overall, transparency and visibility are critical for the success of product teams. By communicating openly and frequently, sharing updates and progress regularly, being open to feedback and input, using metrics to measure progress and success, and using visual tools and methods to communicate progress, product teams can build trust and credibility, and can also achieve greater success within the organization. So, it is very important for product teams to be transparent and visible across the organization for success.

High Impact Product Teams Challenge Assumptions

Product teams should challenge assumptions in order to constantly improve and stay ahead of the competition. By questioning current practices and seeking out new ideas, teams can identify and solve problems more efficiently and effectively. This helps to drive innovation and stay ahead of market trends. 

Challenging assumptions requires product teams to be curious and open-minded, and to constantly question the status quo. It means seeking out new perspectives and ideas, and being willing to try new approaches and test hypotheses.

What kind of mindset is required in order to build a culture of challenging assumptions?

  1. Encourage diverse perspectives: Bring in team members with different backgrounds, experiences, and skills to provide a range of perspectives on challenges and opportunities.
  2. Embrace experimentation: Encourage team members to test new ideas and approaches, and to learn from the results.
  3. Encourage feedback and collaboration: Invite input and feedback from stakeholders and team members, and encourage collaboration and co-creation to generate new ideas and approaches.
  4. Use data and metrics to inform decisions: Use data and metrics to test assumptions and inform decision-making.
  5. Encourage curiosity and learning: Foster a culture of curiosity and learning by encouraging team members to seek out new knowledge and experiences.

Challenging assumptions can be a difficult thing to execute with grace. It is important to do so in a way that doesn’t come across as aggressive or egotistic. Here are some tips on how to execute challenging assumptions in a respectful and constructive way:

  1. Use “I” statements: Instead of making blanket statements or accusations, use “I” statements to express your own perspective or concerns. For example, instead of saying “That idea is ridiculous,” try saying “I’m not sure that idea will work because…”
  2. Seek to understand: Before challenging an assumption, make sure you fully understand the context and reasoning behind it. Ask questions and seek clarification to ensure you have a complete picture.
  3. Use evidence to support your argument: When challenging an assumption, provide evidence or data to support your position. This helps to make your argument more persuasive and helps to avoid coming across as simply expressing a personal opinion.
  4. Avoid personal attacks: It’s important to challenge assumptions, but it’s equally important to do so without attacking or belittling others. Avoid using personal attacks or derogatory language when challenging assumptions.
  5. Use respectful language: Choose your words carefully and use respectful language when challenging assumptions. This helps to create a more positive and collaborative environment.

By following these strategies, product teams can effectively challenge assumptions without coming across as aggressive or egotistic. This helps to foster a more collaborative and productive environment for product development and by challenging assumptions, product teams can foster innovation, agility, and adaptability, and can better respond to changing customer needs and market conditions.

Final Thoughts

Building a strong and effective product team is essential for driving innovation, increasing efficiency, and improving customer satisfaction. By focusing on traits and strategies such as decisiveness, customer-centricity, the right amount of process, safe space enablers, alignment with organization goals, empowerment and autonomy, transparency and visibility across the organization, clear roles and responsibilities, and the ability to challenge assumptions, you can create a team that is primed for success.

As you work on building your product team, it’s important to keep in mind that this is an ongoing process. It’s not something that happens overnight, but rather it takes time and effort to cultivate the right mix of traits and strategies. So, be patient, stay focused, and don’t be afraid to reassess and make changes as needed. By doing so, you can build a strong and effective product team that is poised for success in the modern business world.

Issac Kwon

I'm a Product Manager with background in design, architecture and in building human experiences. I manage diverse and distributed teams in an Agile product management environment. I get the job done and can get my hands dirty to drive the product and team forward.

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